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Innovation in SME

As Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) play a crucial role in strengthening Europe’s  ecopnomy, Horizon 2020 has the aim to simplify the preconditions of their participation and to introduce an „integrated approach“ for SME-funding. The goal is to award 20% oft he Horizon 2020-parts‘ "Societal Challenges" and "Leading and Enabling Technologies“ budget  to the SME, which would amount to around EUR 8.5 bn. in current prices. On the one hand, SME can participate in top-down collaborative projects in "Societal Challenges" and "Leading and Enabling Technologies", on the other hand, they receive funding and support via the SME Instrument. Moreover, other parts of Horizon 2020, such as the Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Actions, are open to SME. Simplified rules and procedures and a strong emphasis on innovation are addiotional factors meant to attract SME.

In addition to funding via the "Societal Challenges" and "Leading and Enabling Technologies", EUR 0.589 bn. (current prices) are dedicated to the programme part "Innovation in SME".