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4. Active ageing and self-management of health

Multidisciplinary advanced and applied research and innovation is needed for cost effective user-friendly solutions for active, independent and assisted daily living for the ageing population and people with disabilities taking into account gender differences. This applies in a variety of settings and for technologies and systems and services enhancing quality of life and human functionality. Empowering individuals to improve and manage their health throughout life will result in more cost-effective healthcare systems by enabling the management of chronic disease outside institutions and improve health outcomes through personalised health technologies and services.

5. Methods and data

The integration of infrastructures and information structures and sources (including those derived from cohort studies, protocols, data collections, indicators, health examination surveys, etc.) as well as the standardisation, interoperability, storage, sharing of and access to data, will be supported to enable such data to be sustainable in the long-term and properly exploited. To support policy making and regulatory needs, there is a necessity to support research, development, integration and use of scientific tools, methods and statistics for rapid, accurate and predictive assessment of the safety, efficacy and quality of health interventions and technologies. Furthermore the use of in-silicio medicine for improving disease management and pretention will be funded.

6. Health care provision and integrated care

Research and innovative applications will be supported for decision making based on distributed information addressing both physical and mental health, including psychosocial aspects, and for providing evidence for large scale deployments and market exploitation of novel solutions, including interoperable tele-health and tele-care services. Projects for optimising the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare provision and reducing inequalities by evidence based decision making and dissemination of best practice, innovative technologies and approaches will also be funded.

7. Specific implementation aspects

Implementation of the programme will include support for knowledge and technology transfer and other forms of dissemination, for large-scale piloting and demonstration actions, and for standardisation. In this way, market deployment of products and services will be accelerated, and scalable solutions for Europe and beyond will be validated. Such actions will not only support European industrial competitiveness and the involvement of innovative SMEs but will require the active involvement of all stakeholders.

A similar, more detailed description of the actions can be found in the "Council Decision estabishing the Specific Programme Implementing Horizon 2020 - The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020)".