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KoWi-Masterclasses for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

16. Feb 2024

KoWi offers up to three MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships Masterclasses between 27 - 29 May or 11 - 20 June 2024. Interested institutions (or groups of several institutions) can contact us until 15 April 2024.

Our interactive MSCA PF Masterclass aims to prepare selected candidates for proposal submission. To this end, KoWi offers a two-hour workshop (online or on-site) - optionally complemented by a short information session (prior to the workshop) on the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship action. Afterwards, participants have the opportunity to receive feedback by KoWi on their proposal drafts. 

Prerequisite for the KoWi MSCA PF Masterclass is a preselection of candidates through respective institutions interested in our Masterclass. Participating MSCA PF candidates must have a German host institution as well as a supervisor. In addition, the institution should organise an experience report by a successful MSCA PF Fellow and possibly also a report by an evaluator. KoWi offers the MSCA PF Masterclass for groups of 5 to 12 candidates, in order to enable an active exchange and peer learning among participants.

In case interested institutions do not reach the minimum number of candidates, we still offer individual proposal checks. Please get in touch if you have questions on our MSCA PF Masterclasses 2024.

